8 Key Steps to Dental Squat Development Success

Dental squat practice development in steps

Eight Steps to Squat Success

Setting up a squat gives you the freedom to achieve a unique dental practice with your stamp on it, allowing for long-term expansion and meeting all the modern-day legislation requirements from the start.

What you need to achieve all that is a plan for success, which we have finely honed over our years of experience into eight key areas:

 1. Site feasibility

 It is important to survey any potential new site before signing on the dotted line, even going so far as to have an expert in the field provide layouts and initial drawings for your planning application. You also want approximate costings to help you make an informed choice as to whether moving forward is feasible. Without these initial steps, which admittedly can require some spend, costly mistakes can very easily be made.

planning application for squat practice development

 2. Designs and concepts

CAD designers can help you start to visualise your dream practice with both 2D and 3D drawings, and ensure that any concept and design flows efficiently for you and your team throughout. Additionally, designs and concepts need to incorporate HTM 01-05 and CQC legislative requirements, ensuring the installation meets today’s high standards.

Squat Practice Design and Concepts

 3. Specialist trades

 Working with a strong and experienced dental build team can help the entire process run efficiently and effortlessly for you, making certain the practice is ready to open within the set schedule and budget. You will need numerous trades to get your squat up and running, including but not limited to, carpentry, electrics, plumbing, decoration, flooring, and cabinetry, all of whom need to work together.

Dental Squat Practice Build

 4. Logistics and Planning

 Project Managers are at the heart of your envisioned goals and should work on your behalf to ensure all trades complete the project to the highest possible standard, within budget. A logistical plan is an essential element to ensure a linear progression to any project.

5. Equipment Selection

Naturally, you will have in mind what you want and need, and what you have worked within the past.  However, the extensive equipment choices out there can be daunting, and so seeking professional expertise is vital. In consultation with surgery design experts, you can consider the size and shape of the rooms available, the way you and your team want to work in each room, as well as budget, to deliver an outstanding design.

 6. Future-proofing

Planning for the future in a squat practice is an essential element of good development and business creation. A key element of this is ensuring that services are positioned correctly for when the time comes for change, for example, so that new cables can be pulled through if issues and/or improvements/upgrades are to be incorporated.

Service Specification for Squat Practice Development and Build

 7. Handover and staff training

You need to build and engineering teams that will demonstrate new equipment to your team. They should be there every step of the way to provide ongoing support, advice, and training in preventive and good routine maintenance. You also want reassurance that if any teething problems were to develop, they would quickly be remedied by the same teams.

 8. Annual Equipment Servicing and Engineering Support

Even after the project is finished, it is important that the same team is there to support you. The kinds of things you need to look for are a decent warranty, tech support, annual servicing, and availability for emergency repairs, thereby minimising downtime.

Here to Help

Hague Dental embraces every one of these key concepts with enthusiasm and care. In fact, the entire team are champions at what they do, at our clients’ side every step of the way during the process and beyond, into the realms of aftersales support.

Above is an article that I wrote for FMC’s Private Dentistry Magazine. Our team at Hague is always keen to share our experience and knowledge with others. With over 25 years of supporting people in setting up their dream practices, we provide full turnkey solutions for practice set up and support individuals through their short-term and long-term requirements.

Click to see this page for further advice on all of our services in relation to Squat Practice Development: https://www.haguedental.com/solutions/dental-practice-design/dental-squat-practice-development/

Please no matter what stage you are at in developing your potential new practice; with or without a site, the team would love to support you and provide advice. Call 0800 298 5003 opt 2 to speak with myself or one of my team of experts. Alternatively request support from the ‘Can I help you’ button on this page.

We hope to hear from you.


Kirsty Hague – Director

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