
A-dec ICX Renew

Innovative Cleaning Solution for Dental Unit Waterlines

Category: Chair Maintenance

  • A-dec ICX Renew

Ideal Waterline Maintenance Solution

The A-dec ICX Renew helps purify your dental chair waterline supply to ensure your patients have the highest quality water pumped into their oral cavity. Research has shown that microbial counts can exceed 200,000 colony-forming units per millilitre within 5 days. A-dec ICX Renew eliminates these microorganisms and prevents bacteria colonisation. 


A-dec ICX Renew can save plenty of time as it eliminates the need to purge waterlines at night. It also remains active in water for at least two weeks during periods of equipment non-use. 

A-dec Dental Chair

Gentle on Dental Equipment

A-dec ICX Renew is gentle and non-corrosive on all dental equipment.

Reduces Build-up of Deposits

A-dec ICX Renew eliminates bacteria and purifies the dental unit waterline to ensure customer satisfaction.

Continuously Present

Provides an ongoing, preventive and proactive solution.

Blue Colour

The A-dec ICX Renew lets you know the solution is in full flow in the waterlines.


A-dec ICX Renew

Practice Design Centre
Visit our extensive showroom, and speak to our refurbishment experts, about creating your ideal working space. Compare equipment (New and Used) and furniture from our world leading brands. Talk interior design and let us help inspire you. Appointments include weekends and evenings.

Equipment Consultation
Talk to the team about a demonstration at your practice for this product. Working alongside the UK dental industry's best manufacturers we will provide honest independent adivce. Equipment trials available on some items.

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