Importance of a Regular Dental Equipment Maintenance Programme

dental equipment maintenance

Although your new practice may appear to be thriving, that could all change unless you implement a regular dental equipment maintenance programme. Items like dental chairs, handpieces, operating lights and suction pumps represent a considerable capital investment, so keeping them in tip-top condition makes sense.

Conducting regular inspections and undertaking timely repairs or replacements where indicated is the most effective way to avoid inconvenient downtime.

There are many day-to-day tasks involved in caring for your equipment that can be undertaken in-house by a dental assistant. For example, it is a relatively simple matter to replace the O-rings and gaskets on a handpiece or change the trap on a delivery system. However, it will pay you to contact an expert dental engineer to tackle some of the more complex tasks. Better still, why not arrange a pre-planned maintenance contract with a reputable third party? There are at least four good reasons to ensure your equipment is expertly maintained.

  • Regular Dental Equipment Maintenance is a Legal Requirement

Under the terms of Regulation 15 of the Health and Social Care Act, any equipment used in caring for or treating patients must be “clean, suitable for the intended purpose, maintained, stored securely and used properly”. Dentists seen to be in breach of any part of this requirement could find themselves facing regulatory action.

  • Breakdowns can Cause Irreparable Damage

Taking a few minutes to inspect items like air compressors and suction pumps for signs of wear and tear could mean the difference between a minor repair and a costly replacement. Furthermore, if your surgery is out of action for a day or two, your patients could become disgruntled and even decide to seek treatment elsewhere.

  • Non-compliance with Manufacturers’ Recommendations may Have Consequences

All quality dental equipment carries a manufacturer’s warranty. Under its terms, if something should go wrong within a stated period, the faulty item will be repaired or replaced free of charge. However, this undertaking is generally conditional on the user adhering strictly to the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding usage and maintenance. Failing to comply with any of these conditions could render your warranty invalid, further confirming the importance of looking after your dental equipment.

  • Unreliable Dental Equipment Could Impact Your Livelihood

While technological advances in dentistry have helped most patients overcome their fears, should some pieces of equipment fail while undergoing treatment, it will likely affect their confidence in you. Not only will the unfortunate patient be unlikely to remain on your books, but you might also receive negative reviews that could adversely affect your income.

An Annual Service Contract Will Ensure Expert Dental Equipment Maintenance

Hague Dental Supplies has been serving the profession for over a quarter of a century and operates sales and service facilities in London, the South East and the Midlands. Our team of expert dental engineers offers a choice of three low-cost, pre-planned maintenance contracts to help our clients avoid the expense and inconvenience of equipment failure and unscheduled downtime.

During a free, no-obligation site visit to review your needs, we will help you select the best option. To get started, why not complete our online contact form today?

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