Affordable Reputable Dental Equipment Suppliers

Today's Dentists Need Affordable and Reputable Dental Equipment Suppliers

Today’s Dentists Need Affordable and Reputable Dental Equipment Suppliers

Given the nation’s continuing economic woes, dental equipment suppliers must offer dentists high-quality, affordable products and expert after-sales service. Equipping a dental practice is an expensive undertaking. Therefore, in addition to being priced within reach of an average dental practitioner’s budget, every item purchased must be designed to continue performing as specified for as long as possible.

Combining quality with affordability is a delicate balancing act, but it is one which manufacturers have been forced to master. While it might be tempting to consider some of the lesser-known dental equipment brands, there is a danger that doing so could prove to be a false economy. Worse still, an inferior product could compromise a patient’s safety and damage a dentist’s reputation. Furthermore, the General Dental Council (GDC) is the UK-wide regulator responsible for setting dental practice and patient care standards. Failure to meet these standards can sometimes lead to punitive action.

Affordable Dental Equipment Suppliers

Hague Dental Supplies deals exclusively with internationally recognised equipment manufacturers, including world-renowned Takara Belmont and A-dec. That said, even the most expensive vehicle can break down occasionally, which is equally valid for dental equipment. Even when used with every precaution and meticulously cared for, a dental chair, handpiece or suction unit is subjected to gradual wear and tear that, if not dealt with timeously and effectively, could cause it to fail when most needed. Today, providing good service is just as crucial for reputable dental equipment suppliers as quality products and reasonable prices.

Additional Services from Dental Equipment Suppliers

A reputable supplier’s role should not be restricted to selling quality dental equipment. For example:

Practice Design:

When setting up a squat practice, a dentist has more concerns than acquiring the right tools. The layout and décor are equally important as they influence a patient’s perception and state of mind. Whether you are just starting up or refurbishing an existing practice, Hague Dental Supplies has the expertise and experience to help you create a complete working environment, from the reception area to the treatment room, that is practical, aesthetically pleasing and reflects your brand.

Dental equipment maintenance:

Quality dental equipment is built to last but not indefinitely. Just as a car must undergo an MOT inspection annually to ensure it is roadworthy, regular inspections ensure handpieces, dental chairs, intraoral X-ray cameras, and other essential dentistry tools continue functioning as intended.

Hague Dental Supplies fields a team of trained and experienced dental engineers with in-depth knowledge of your equipment. As dental equipment suppliers for almost 30 years and 3-time winners of the Dental Industry award for the “Service and Repair Company of the Year”, we offer an affordable annual maintenance contract and a prompt repair and replacement service.

Validation services:

Ensuring dental equipment is clean and sterile is vital for patient safety, but can you be sure your washer-steriliser and autoclave are functioning as they should? We can perform all the recommended validation tests to ensure these items comply fully with HTM 01-05.

As a dentist, you prioritise your patients’ welfare. So do we! We also want you to have the best dental equipment and expert dental equipment maintenance. Why not visit a Hague dental equipment showroom or get in touch with the UK’s leading dental equipment suppliers to learn more?

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