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Project Overview

I purchased Queen’s Gate Orthodontics based on its distinctively regal and homely appeal. I was acutely aware that I was not only acquiring a building but also a patient base that needed uninterrupted care and a smooth handover that inspired their confidence in me. Whilst I drew on my own ideas for decor, I knew I could not afford to make any mistakes when it came to purchasing equipment. I appointed Hague Dental to advise and manage the project.


Despite the ambiance of the practice, I knew that it did need to be updated in order to reflect my personality and commitment to excellent patient care. I had clear ideas about what I wanted to achieve but had to keep my vision in check with my budget not to mention logistical restraints. The team at Hague was so helpful during this planning phase and gave me sensible advice about the important purchases, never going for the hard sell. The work was scheduled around my surgery downtime so as to be completed without significant business interruption. James Fletcher was an attentive and responsive project manager, communicating via email when I was away.

The Hague Dental team, combined with builder, Alan Marlow, created three beautiful surgeries in my orthodontic practice, whilst I left them to it and had a holiday. The three surgeries are small and only one has natural light. I kept them white to maximise the illusion of space and light and also opted for white Corian worktops. The dental chairs did not move vertically so I could not get patients into the appropriate position, which had the potential to compromise my work as well as my posture and long-term health. Hague recommended the Cleo from Belmont with folding leg rests. Their small footprint was ideal for the size of my three surgeries.

The after-sales care has been excellent too, so I can recommend Hague Dental and their team wholeheartedly. Hague Dental has consistently supported me and my orthodontic practice for over 4 years, with assistance on design, creating three dental surgeries without hitch, whilst I went on holiday, and follow-up customer support. They offer an experienced eye and deliver with good humour – a great business to team up with.


”The after sales care has been excellent too, so I can recommend Hague Dental and their team whole heartedly. Hague Dental have consistently supported me and my orthodontic practice over 4 years, with assistance on design, creating three dental surgeries without hitch, whilst I went on holiday, and follow up customer support. They offer an experienced eye and deliver with good humour – a great business to team up with.”
Claire Nightingale, Queensgate Orthodontics

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