John Cawley – General Manager


1st July 2021


New Version ID

Date of Change

Summary of Changes

11st July 2021Creation
217th April 2023Updated & Expanded



Who we are

Hague Dental Supplies Ltd is located at:
Hague Dental Supplies, 1 Graylands Gateway, Langhurstwood Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 4QD
Company Registration no: 3667772 
ICO Registration: ZA369657

Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted by email on:

Our responsibility

This privacy notice describes how we collect, use and store personal information about you during and after your business relationship with us, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679) (GDPR), the retained EU law version of the General Data Protection Regulation in the UK ((EU) 2016/679) (UK GDPR) the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018), and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 (PECR).

Hague Dental Supplies Ltd is a “data controller”. This means that we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use and store personal information about you. We are required under the UK GDPR / DPA to notify you of the information contained in this privacy notice.

We may update this notice at any time. If relevant (and feasible), we will notify you.
It is important that you read this notice, together with any other privacy notices we may provide on specific occasions when we are collecting or processing personal information about you, so that you are aware of how and why we are using your personal information.

Your responsibility

Please read this privacy notice.

If you happen to be a customer, we advise you to review the agreements you have with us since they might have additional information about our data collection and usage practices.

In the event that you share personal information about others or someone provides us with your information, we will only utilize it for the intended purpose.

By submitting the information, you assert that you have the authority to grant us permission to process it in accordance with this privacy notice.

The types of personal data we collect

Personal data means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified, whether directly or indirectly. It does not include data where an individual cannot be identified (anonymous data).

We collect personal data across the business:

Client / Prospect: Includes full name, postal address, email address, contact telephone numbers
Employee / Contractor: Full name, postal address, email address, contact telephone number, bank, and national insurance details.

Personal data is collected through various contact forms on our websites ( and, publicly accessible sources (social media & other digital platforms), professional directories, professional third-party data bases, documentation provided to us by clients, suppliers, employees, and prospective employees.

Other data we may collect includes your IP address, login details, online identifiers, browser version and type, time zone configuration, browser plug-in categories, potential geo-location data, and operating system with its version.

We gather information about your interaction with our website, including the sequence of URLs you click on, the products/services you view, the time it takes for pages to respond, any download failures, the duration of your visit on each page, your activities on those pages, and any other actions you take.

To ensure the safety and security of our customers, colleagues, and stakeholders, we employ a CCTV system to capture still or moving images when you enter our offices.

Storing your personal data


At times, we may need to share your personal information with other organisations in order to provide you with the products or services that you require. However, we take your privacy very seriously, and we will only do so under certain circumstances:

We will only share your data with your express consent, or if it is fair and reasonable for us to do so given the circumstances.

When we do share your information on a regular basis, we take the necessary steps to ensure that your data is protected. We establish written contracts and agreements to legally safeguard your data.

We use third-party providers to host our applications and platforms and to communicate with our customers, but we only work with those who are compliant with data protection laws.

In certain circumstances, we may need to share your personal data with our employees, contractors, insurers, professional advisors, agents, suppliers, subcontractors, or trusted third parties, as long as it is reasonably necessary and in accordance with data protection legislation.

We may also share your personal data with your consent, or if we are required to do so by law, to protect our rights, property, and safety, or to make services available to you that you have requested.

Additionally, we may need to share your data to meet or enforce a legal obligation or in connection with any ongoing or prospective legal proceedings.

If we sell or merge with another organisation, we may share your data with the purchaser or prospective purchaser of our business or assets.

At all times, we take the protection of your personal information seriously and will only share it under the circumstances outlined above.

Please see our Cookie Notice on and for details of how cookies are used, and preference settings available to you.


We will comply with all relevant data protection laws (including the UK GDPR, DPA 2018 and PECR 2003). This requires that the personal information we hold about you must be:

Used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way

Collected only for valid purposes that we have clearly explained to you and not used in any way that is incompatible with those purposes

Relevant to the purposes we have told you about and limited only to those purposes

Accurate and kept up to date

Kept only as long as necessary for the purposes we have told you about

Kept securely.


We will only use your personal information in the ways the law allows. Most commonly, we will use your personal information in the following circumstances:

Where you have provided your data. We will use legitimate interest to contact you off the back of this submission

Where processing is required for the performance of a contract either party have entered – in this respect, where you have engaged with us and paid for our service

Where processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation – such as retaining records for HMRC purposes, or to prove your right to work and your ability to fulfil a job brief

Marketing – Hague Dental is committed to complying with GDPR rules and regulations. ICO’s limited exception of soft opt-in applies to customers who have previously bought or discussed buying a product from us. You can unsubscribe at any time by following the prompt in the footer of our mailers or reach out to us at


We need all the categories of information detailed above primarily to allow us to contact you following your enquiry.

If you are a client or supplier, then we will need to process your data in line with our legal obligations. In some cases, we may use your personal information to pursue legitimate interests of our own or those of third parties, provided your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.

The situations in which we will process your personal information are listed below:

Administration of a contract we have entered with you and providing our products and services to you.

Business management and planning, including accounting and auditing. In these instances, we will share your personal data with our accountants.

Planning for the termination of our contracting relationship.

Dealing with legal disputes involving you, or any disputes that may arise under the contract that we have with you or the way in which we provide our products and services to you.

Some of the above grounds for processing will overlap and there may be several grounds which justify our use of your personal information.


We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

Rights of access, correction, erasure, and restriction

It is important that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal information changes during your working relationship with us.

Your rights:

Subject Access Request (SAR) – this enables you to receive a copy of the personal information we hold about you. To action this request, please contact the Data Protection Officer.

We require a suitable form of identification, and under normal circumstances we will supply you with a copy of the personal information we hold about you within one calendar month of your request and identification being received. No fee is usually payable; however, we may apply an appropriate fee if the request is deemed to be excessive, or repetitive.

Request Correction – this enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate information we hold about you corrected.

Request Erasure – this enables you to delete or remove personal information when there is no good reason for us to continue processing it.

Object to Processing – in certain circumstances, you have the right to request we suspend the processing of your data. Please contact the data protection officer if you require more information on this.

Request the Transfer – you have the right to request the transfer of your personal data to a third party. Please contact the data protection officer if you require more information on this.

Right to Withdraw Consent – where we rely on consent to process your data, you have the right to withdraw this at any time, without giving reason. To withdraw your consent, please contact the data protection officer. Once received, we will not process your data for the reasons you have agreed to, unless we have another legal basis for doing so.

Right to complain – you have the right to complain at any time to the Information Commissioners’ Office (ICO) regarding data protection issues –

Our rights:

We reserve the right to update this privacy notice at any time. If you have any questions or queries, please contact the data protection officer

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