Your Choice of Dental Reception Desk Can Say a Lot About Your Practice

Your Choice of Dental Reception Desk Can Say a Lot About Your Practice

Although we are often advised not to judge a book by its cover, first impressions can be significant. A well-appointed dental reception desk inspires trust. Many early dental surgeries in Britain were hastily converted homes and often a reflection of the owner’s taste in décor or a lack thereof. Drab colours and poor lighting were prevalent during those times, creating an uninviting ambience that tended to amplify the sense of unease most patients felt when attending a dental appointment.

Here are some tips on how to create a reception area that is welcoming and designed to generate patient trust.

  • The Essential Role of Colour in Dental Reception Design

Colour has been shown to have a significant effect on one’s mood. Some evoke feelings of warmth and comfort, while others promote peace and calm. In extreme cases, they can even cause anger and hostility, so it’s vital to remember that interior design for dental practice requires one to understand the potential effects of your choice of colour scheme. Pastel shades generally tend to work best, but it would be wise to seek professional help from an expert. Also, when making your colour choices, remember dental reception design should reflect your brand.

  • The Value of Daylight

Wherever possible, large windows, overlooking a garden area when possible, are far preferable to artificial lighting. Where privacy may be an issue, blinds or window manifestations are preferable. However, if windows fail to provide adequate illumination, electric lighting should be subtle but sufficiently bright to function as and when required. Recessed or downlighting can help create a luxurious but relatively inexpensive modern space.

  • Other Stress Reduction Measures

Colour is not the only factor that can influence our moods. As plants are well-known for their stress-reducing properties, why not spruce up your reception with some natural or artificial ones, and even carefully chosen paintings, prints or photographs can be equally effective. Incidentally, we offer the option of a “green wall” made up of bespoke combinations of foliage and moss, which can also help breathe new life into your reception area.

Also, few things are more likely to promote a sense of impending doom than sitting upright in a hard wooden chair. Comfortable ergonomic seating will improve your patient’s experience and is among the many dental reception accessories available from Hague Dental Supplies.

  • The Dental Reception Desk

While many may believe those bulky and ornately panelled oak desks to be carpentry masterpieces, they fail to project the image of a 21st-century, high-tech dental practice. By contrast, a more streamlined and functional light-coloured structure designed to house a computer and printer is guaranteed to create a more reassuring impression.

Furthermore, that elegant new desk will also make life easier for the receptionist and improve the overall efficiency of your practice. The extensive range from Hague includes something suitable for all tastes, budgets and available floor space.

Dental Practice Furniture

Hague Dental Supplies stocks high-quality furniture and fittings to enhance your dental reception design and waiting area and create that vital favourable first impression. There’s no better time than now to start planning your transformation, so why not click this link to our online inquiry form today?

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